“From our gate to your plate”
In 2024 we changed how we charge for our beef in an effort to eliminate the confusion over “hot hanging weight”, (the weight of a freshly slaughtered carcass before aging) and “delivered weight” (the weight of the packaged beef you receive after it has aged and lost 17% to 20% weight through evaporation of excess water, as well as weight lost from bone and trim unsuitable for you.) That change has been very well received by all of our customers. Therefore, we will continue to charge for the actual weight of packaged beef you receive. We are still charged by the butchery according to hot hanging weight because that is the weight of the carcass they begin work with. We can, however adjust our pricing to eliminate your confusion and provide you with a pricing that allows you to make a direct comparison to what you pay at your local supermarket.
We are going to offer ground beef, organs and soup bones as separate items at lower prices rather than include them in the with the higher priced main order of a side or quarter. That will allow you to order as much double ground as you need without sacrificing any of the roasts or steaks just to make more ground. We have so much demand for our great tasting double ground that we are now dedicating entire cows just for ground, brisket, jerky, meaty broth bones, and high quality raw meat dog food.
Bulk beef in quarters, halves, or whole will be $10.50/lb.
Our double ground will be at $9.50/lb. In 40 lb. Boxes.
Organ meats and fat will be priced at $7.00 per pound.
Broth bones, tripe and cheeks at $5.00 per pound.
Our Old Style Jerky will be discontinued. Oh I know, I know, It was VERY popular, but there is only about 100 lbs of beef per cow that is suitable for our jerky. And that dries down to about 30 lbs of jerky. Not much when you consider the demand we have for it. We had to make a decision about where our beef and our time was needed most. We are only three people. AND Alison’s beef tallow project doesn’t take away beef cuts to make into something else the way jerky does, In fact it utilizes kidney fat that was not in much demand.
Our raw meat dog food is holding at $2.90 per pound for now. Still in 40lb bags or boxes. I’m still waiting for confirmation of 2025 pricing from our chicken parts supplier. Along with chicken trim he supplies us with neck bones that are an integral part of a good all round diet for dogs and cats.
We remain committed to providing good beef to you dear folks and especially tailored for the Carnivore Community who have been so supportive in helping us launch this new venture. If you have any suggestions for us please send us an email to happyrancher@proton.me.
And remember, Eat Beef!!! Your future is at steak!! 😂
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