ABOUT CATTLE & soil care
Feeding cattle
Our cattle are all born here, pasture raised and allowed to finish on pasture supplimented with rolled barley for the final 90 to 120 days. We do not force feed a high powered ration at any stage. In winter we feed same out on pasture but set out baled hay as well. In bitter cold ALL cattle including bulls and those momma's with nursing calves also get rolled barley as a suppliment to give them the extra fuel they need to keep warm, to maintain body score, and to allow us to get right up to each one of them for a thorough daily health check.
We do not use medicated feed at any time. We do not use growth hormones at any stage. We use low stress handling and prefer to slaughter right here, again to minimize stress.
Hope this helps.😊
Future topics about how we ranch will be linked here below when published.
Livestock Health
Low Stress Handling
Feeding the Soil
Protecting Wildlife and Waters
Regenerative Ranching
Demystifying The Hype